Take Control of your Data with the Full Power of Microsoft Excel!

Excel Forge Solutions is your one-stop shop for all things Excel

Is this how you and your staff are spending most of your time on your spreadsheets?

  • Copying and Pasting data from many sources into your models

  • Worksheets of 500K+ rows that are slow and constantly being validated for errors

  • Manually creating reports that you paste into other reports

  • And worst of all - doing the same manual process every month!

There has to be a better way, right?

Welcome to the Excel Revolution!

  • Power Query is Microsoft’s flagship product for connecting, cleaning, and shaping data from multiple sources.

    No more copying and pasting data!

  • With Power Pivot, you can handle millions of rows, perform advanced calculations, and generate insights through connected reports and dashboards.

    It's like having a database engine inside Excel!

  • Excel Dynamic Array formulas revolutionize how you work with data by allowing calculations to automatically spill into multiple cells, enabling faster, more efficient, and flexible data analysis.

  • Automated reports and executive dashboards that can potentially eliminate the need for any other BI software!

At Excel Forge Solutions, we help you “forge” your raw data into powerful insights using advanced Microsoft Excel tools to automate processes, generate reports, and drive better decision-making.