Work With Us for Customized Excel Solutions
Data Cleanup with Power Query (it all starts here!)
Messy data is often the MAIN problem we have to deal with in our reports and dashboards. Data can come from many different sources - Databases, Budget files submitted by various departments and even from the web. The list is endless!
With Power Query we can combine all of your data sources into one easy to use table or data model!
Best of all Power Query is seamlessly integrated into Microsoft products.
No need for an expensive data cleaning tool when you already have Power Query installed with Microsoft Office!
Data Modeling with Power Pivot
With Power Pivot we can literally create a functioning database right within Excel!
Power Pivot utilizes Microsoft’s powerful DAX formula language for advanced calculations, aggregations, and custom measures to analyze data efficiently.
(As good as Power Pivot can be for data modeling our clients often find that cleaning up data with Power Query and creating Tables for reporting and analytics is often all they need!)
Reporting and Analytics
Modern, innovative use of Excel reporting including Dynamic Array functions, Excel Tables and custom Lambda functions for interactive, auto-refreshed reports.
(Watch the video here to see how a dynamic report can be generated with ONE formula!)
Need an executive dashbaord to see your business at a glance. Don’t worry we’ve got you covered!